Running in itself is a high endurance sports which requires great strength .However, Running Marathons is a different ball game altogether. The Standard distance of a Marathon organized all across the World is 42.195 Kms . The sight of 42 Kms in itself is scary.

Pre Requisite of Running a Marathon- Before I Started Running Marathons i was a regulars runner at Shivaji Park Mumbai where i was doing Hotel Management from IHM Mumbai (Dadar Catering College).Running kept me away from the monotony of Bombay Lifestyle. I used to run 5 Kilometers daily and on weekends 10 Kilometers.

Planning and Idea for Running Marathon – I had two batchmates who came from Sainik School Tilayaya and they had participated in Half Marathon Before and they were contemplating to Participate in Full Marathon next time.

They urged me to participate in Full Marathon along with them since i was running regularly .But , running such a Long Distance that also Full Marathon was scary. I was doubtful too whether i will be able to successfully finish the race or Not.

Participating is More Important Than winning– The idea of Participation importance more than the winning part drove me to register for Full Marathon for the First Time.

Maximum Distance to run before a Marathon– Ideally if you are preparing for a Marathon , you should run atleast two 30 Kilometers long runs before you actually participate in Full Marathon. If you have not managed to do so atleast run three 20 Kilometers run before actual race.

I had Run 1/4of Actual Marathon Distance during my Training Runs- I had managed to run only 10 Kilometers during my training runs which made me more skeptical on how i will manage 40 Kilometers.

Race Day – The Marathon Day i was very nervous slept at 10 Pm the Day before and woke up at 3AM in the Morning , freshened up and attached my running number/bib number on My T-shirt and took Morning Local from Dadar Station. The Train was Packed with Runners. We Reached the starting Point Azad Maidan from CST Railway Station on Time.

RaceFlag off– The Marathon was Flagged off by Mumbai Marathon Brand Ambassador John Abraham and we started Running with bit of fear.

First 10 Kilometers-First 10 Kilometers went very sound with very less Fatigue gripping. We kept sipping water on water stations available on Marathon Route.

Next 10 Kilomters -Next 10 Kilometers we started getting slow and tired but somehow Managed to finish 21 Kiometers.

21 Kilometers More to Go.. The Real pain started after 21 Kilometers when we realized we have covered only half of the actual distance.

25 Kilometers – At 25 Kilometers i got cramps slowed down started crawling and started run and walk strategy after every 500 meters.

30 Kilometers – At 30 Kilometers i was completely drained and started to feel like giving up and i was walking in distress and pain suddenly one old man urged me to run as slow as you can but run .So i started running in the slowest manner possible which can be termed as fast walking.

35 Kilometers- Bad Cramps , Drained Body with No Energy and still 7 more Kilometers to Finish seemed like an uphill task and very painful one . I kept on running an walking somehow.

40 Kilometers – After reaching 40 Kilometers i was assured I will finish the unachievable task of running Full Marathon.

42.195 Kilometers and I Finished the Race- I finished the race got Finisher Medal for Marathon Distance 42.195 Kilometers .Finally I was a Marathon Man.

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Nishu Kumari

Nishu Kumari is the Founder of the website She is a third year law student at Faculty of Law, Delhi University.

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